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Sick Hatchling Red Ear Slider

22 16:46:47

I have been treating a serious eye infection and respiratory infection and have now notice fungus growth on this 2 month old hatchling -

What suggestions can you give me to combat this fungus, other than salt soak and drydocking?  Can I use any type of fish remedy i.e., Melafix? Permafix? Ick? or the 100's of other fungus remedies available for freshwater fish?  

I don't like salt soaks, and I don't like drydocking for a baby.

In fact, I would ignore most of these symptoms and focus on high-quality care- big tank, warmed water (instead of 75-80, I'd do it 80-85 since it is ill), good filtration and frequent partial water changes to get the water quality under control.

I'd make sure it had access to good UVB light, and a good quality diet- probably just pellets for now.

I AM NOT a vet, but I would prioritize things this way:
- Build up general health and resistance.
- Get the respiratory illness under control with good heat, diet, water, and lighting.
- This will probably clear up the eye infection as well.

If everything is on track, give the turtle a daily gentle scrub- sprinkle some salt on the shell and rub it on the fungus. Rinse, dry, swab with Betadine skin cleanser and let it dry for a couple of hours in a warm location- sort of a 'short term dry tank'.

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