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Myrtle Turtle From Myrtle beech

22 16:04:35

We have had Myrtle going on 5 years she/he has been very restless for the last few days. I think now Myrtle is now a she I took her out side in the back yard and she is under this bush digging a hole with her back leggs. Is it possible she is laying eggs if so how can she without a male. And why now after all these years she is trying to lay eggs? Thanks Don P.

Hello it is possible that yes she is going to lay eggs. If she was ever with a male in 7 yrs or so, it is possible the eggs might be good however, most likely not. She is restless because she she wants to lay the eggs and be done.
She will not stay around after laying them. She will lay them then cover and pack it then off she will go/
Females can lay eggs even if they have not mated. This is nature at her best. Confusing us all.Keep a close eye on her it is really neat to watch her lay the eggs. She will go into a trans, staring look on her face. Then she'll move a little and poof. Egg
But you have to be sure she is ok,. You may need to take her to the vet and make sure she has laid them all. Otherwise she can become egg bound and pass.