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habitat turtles

22 16:17:12

I have decided to put a pond in my back yard. i want to put an turtle in it.  I was thinking read-eared sliders but any kind will due.  I would like to know how to make a pond for them or rather what they need?  I live in london canada ontario.  Also what kind would be the best?


Hi Joe,
I am not sure about the weather in your area so I would go with a turtle that is native to your area, I found a list of Aquatic Turtles native to Ontario.
Such as the Common Musk Turtle (Sternotherus odoratus), The Eastern Spiny Soft-Shell (Apalone spinifera spinifera), The Common Map Turtle (Graptemys geographica), The Midland Painted Turtle(and Western Painted) (Chrysemys picta marginata), Spotted Turtle (Clemmys Guttata), Blandings Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) and the Snapping Turtle

Out of those choices the most similar to the Red Ear Slider is the Painted Turtle, the Painted turtle is commonly kept as a pet and is relatively easy to care for. If this isn't what you want the next choice I would think is the Map or Musk turtle. (map more then musk)

But I really beleive your best bet is the Painted Turtle
The care is very similar and you can find Red Ear Slider care sheets and use the same information

Here is a care sheet specific to Painted Turtles:

However this link is much better it is for RES turtles but as I said the information is the same for the most part when it comes to care:
The temperatures, basking spot, etc. also work for the Painted Turtle not the information about characteristics, or natural history etc.

Here is information on Outdoor turtle habitats:

The only reason why I suggest the Painted Turtle over the Red Ear Slider is because they are native to your area and with such are custom to the weather. However during severe weather they may need space inside the house.

Anything else let me know
Best of Luck