Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Golden Greek Tortoise-possibly sick.

Golden Greek Tortoise-possibly sick.

22 16:05:27

I bought a Golden Greek tortoise from our local Pet store three days ago.I soaked him for a bit when we got home and he ate. However he does not move much, he burrowed a bit the first night. He sleeps all the time, and he moves quite a bit in his sleep( mostly just moves an arm or leg or head). Also when he wakes up he only has one eye open for about a minute, then he opens the other. His shell is also mildly flaky, it has not worsened since I bought him. Is he sick? He eats about twice a day. What can I do to help him?

Newly obtained tortoises tend to hide a lot for the first week or so. Make sure you are offering the right temps and cares (try or for ideas) and let him settle in.

He may be a little dehydrated as well- many pet tortoises are. Make sure the habitat's humidity is 'normal', about 50% or so overall, and that he has access to water and moistened foods.

As long as he is eating and defecating OK, things are usually not horribly wrong, but as I said- this is a good time to make sure you are doing the best for him following the best research and practices. Sadly- pet shops often give out old and sometimes unsafe advice.