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Cuttlefish bone

22 16:47:42

Hi, I recently tried giving my hermann's tortoise whole cuttlefish bone instead of powdered supplements, and she will happily eat huge quantities of it.  Is this ok for her?  I'm frightened of her getting a gut impaction through biting off chunks that are too large for her.  If I let her wander around outside, she will also eat stones and grit that she finds on the ground.  Is this anything to be worried about?


Cuttlebone- I don't know what would happen if it eats it, although I agree about the impactions. I think I'd stick to chopped or ground.

Stones and grit- small amounts are not a problem, but MAY indicate a need for roughage or flavor in the diet. If it eats too much you may need to de-rock your pen. As long as it is having good bowel movements though I would not worry.