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Eastern long neck-aggression

22 16:14:11

I had one Eastern long neck turtle around about 8 inches (shell) we were told it was female and decided to get another. We got a smaller one (4inches)also a female, and added her to the tank. The bigger one has been nipping the smaller ones neck and feet constantly. Will they get along or will we have to seperate them? I am worried about the small turtle.

As a rule of thumb, domination is a sign that they feel crowded. In the wild, turtles rarely see each other unless they are sharing a good basking site or mating.

In captivity, we need to give them space so each turtle feels it has its own hiding, hunting, and basking space. This usually takes about 10 gallons of water per inch of shell length. For your 12" worth of turtles you really should be looking at 120 gallons of water, or about a 150 gallon tank.

You can chat with other keepers for that species at places like or

Good luck!