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Star tortoise - soft shell and bleeding

22 16:03:23

I have a star tortoise about year old. 2-3 months ago i noticed that her shell become little bit soft. And this morning i found that on the left and right of the shell bleeding. And i cleaned the blood using a warm water. After 5 hours, i saw a liquid at the same spot. But my tortoise looks ok. No sign of sickness.

Hi Shah,

A softening shell indicates that the tortoise is not being kept correctly.  Generally it's due to lack of UVB and/or poor diet.  Tortoises require adequate calcium, but just as importantly, they must have either access to natural sunlight (not through a window or screen) or a good quality UVB bulb.  Without UVB, they can't metabolize calcium.  The bleeding you're seeing is also an indication that something is seriously wrong.  Pink spots or bleeding under the shell are a sign of septicemia.  

If you give me more information on how you keep your tortoise (type/size of enclosure, substrate, type of basking/UVB bulbs, warm and cool temps, and detailed diet), I can help you with your husbandry, but you do need to get your tortoise to a vet as soon as possible.  The symptoms  you're describing will eventually be fatal without immediate treatment and changes to care.  Post back with the information I requested and I'll do what I can to help.

Some links for you: