Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > turtle not eating?

turtle not eating?

22 16:48:24

Hi, i have had my turtle for over about a week now and for the past 3 days he has not eaten at all. Should i be worried?And at what teperature should my water be during the day?.THANKS!!!!

Turtles can go a long time without food, so don't worry too much as long as it is active and feels 'hefty'.

Water temps, however, are a good starting point and rather than focusing on a specific temp, I recommend going by behavior. If the turtle is getting sluggish, like it may be trying ot hibernate, OR if it constantly seems to be trying to huddle in a warm spot, boost the temnps a bit.

If the turtle seems to be trying to hide in a cooler place, lower the temps a bit.

You can get a lot of good info and links at the site

Good luck!