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new born turtle

22 16:13:12

We live in Central Florida near a fresh water lake.  Yesterday my son said something in passing about there being another egg in the yard and today got me to show me that a turtle was hatching out of it.  Sure enough it was coming out it is about 1 1/2" long mostly black and some slight striping on it the egg was white and just like a tiny chicken egg shape.  we moved it off the ground because of the fire ants.  It is in a frisbee with water and seems happy and active and likes being under water with just its head out.  It has a large orange  sack thing atached to him.  My sister in law said that turtles don't need mothers and they can eat anything.  What should we do to protect and help this turtle.

Hi Karen,

That is very exciting!!!!!!!

I can understand how you would want to help a baby turtle.  Especially with the yolk sack still attached it's probably tempting to predators.  Don't let him sleep outside unless you know no predators can get to him.

Try calling the following wildlife centers:

352-371-4400 (I'd try this one first - I think it's the largest?)

and see what they say to do.  

They may say to just release him (I'm curious what they would say to do).  However I must admit that I would want to help him get a good start to life and I personally wouldn't want to release him with that egg sack attached.  I'd wait until the turtle's body uses up the yolk and it's gone (even if they say this isn't necessary).

If you'd let me know what they say I'd greatly appreciate it!
