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pregnant box turtles

22 16:13:13

how do I know if a turtle is pregnant?  We have 2 turtles and are pretty sure they mated, but would like to know for sure.  And if she is pregnant, how do i keep the babies alive?

Hi Savannah,

The only way to tell for sure is to have an x-ray done or feel the eggs when you palpate her.  However, when you palpate her sometimes you won't feel anything even though she is gravid.  You can do this by gently putting your two pinky or index fingers inside her shell when she sticks her back legs out - in the area where he back legs are pulled into her shell.  Gently feel around and you may feel some lumps.  Caution:  if she pulls her legs in while you do this it may hurt a lot.

You can also watch for signs that she is getting ready to lay eggs.  She may pace around and look for a place to lay eggs, and dig with her back legs.  If you see this, especially if she acts like she is straining somehow and she STOPS EATING she must go to a vet ASAP.  Turtle can become eggbound (where the eggs are stuck and won't come out) which is life threatening and very painful and the eggs have to come out ASAP!

If your box turtles are the same species and definately opposite sexes I have to advise against keeping them together because of the risk of egg binding.  I cannot imagine dying in childbirth!!!  It makes my ovaries hurt just thinking about it.

If she lays eggs follow the info on this website: