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red eared tumor

22 16:20:23

I own three red eared sliders and one of them sprouted an abnormally large swelling on the side of his head that has grown in the past three weeks and has now reached a size bigger than his eye. I'm afraid it might be a contagious tumor, but unfortunately there are no vets where I live. I have separated him from the others, but I would like to know how to prevent things like this in the future and whether it could just be a curable skin disease. Please answer soon,

Mary J.

Hello Mary,

I'm not sure, but boils (Containing pus) are very usual for red-eared sliders. If you like, you can split this boil and clean it (A friend of mine mentioned "Jodopax", which is a disinfectant) but if you feel insecure about doing this on your own, I highly recommend that you consults a vet.

Good luck with your turtle!
