Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Red ear slider white thing

Red ear slider white thing

22 16:20:32

On my red ear slider there are two whitish and rough looking lumps on it's
skin. The turtle was with another red ear slider and the other turtle kept
putting it's head where the white thing appeared. The whitish thing appeared
on the skin by the turtles back legs. The turtle doesn't seem to be acting
differently. But recently it has been colder than usual. We seperated the
turtles and i was wondering what the white thing is. Could you help me?

From the description, it is tough. You do not tell me where on the turtle the things are, or much about what they look like- lesions, parasites, etc.?

I would guess that this is an abscess caused by injuries from the other turtle. Abscesses are pockets of bacteria and puss that generally need a vet's care to make go away the right way.

If you could, I would recommend posting photos at a good forum like so several experts can look at them and offer help.

Good luck!