Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > sanitation


22 16:48:40

i used to have lizards
they  got sick and died
when moving a store bought stick from the previous lizards tank to the aquarium for my new turtle
is there anything i should do to sanatize it first

The best ways to disinfect stuff for reptiles are:

1. Bleach- use a mild solution (like 1/8 cup of bleach in a cup of water or so) to wipe on, spray on, or dip in. Let the solution air dry. You can rinse off any remaining residue later. Other disinfecting agents can be used, but bleach is safe for reptiles, cheap, and effective. Avoid using anything with a heavy pine scent, Lysol, pine tar or coal tar in the formulas, and similar products.

2. Heat. Bake items in the oven at 500 degrees for several minutes, or soak in boiling water for 10 minutes.

3. Ultra-violet. let it sit under an ultravillet lamp for an hour or so, or in direct sunlight for a couple hours.

The store-bought stick is probably not a risk factor, but the tank IS. It should be disinfected with a bleach solution at least once before being used with ANYTHING else. Same with any sand, gravel, rocks, food dishes, etc. that the lizards used. Any items used by any old pets shold be disinfected before being used by new pets to prevent cross-contamination.