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Largest Domestic Tortoise

22 16:04:08

Hi, I was wondering if you had any idea of what the largest domestic tortoise is? As in, A tortoise that you may purchase and keep as a pet.

-Thank you, Ruben

Hi Ruben,

I'm wondering why you're asking this question.  If you're looking for a large tortoise species to keep as a pet, I suggest you do a lot of research and get some hands-on experience before you jump into it.  Large tortoises are expensive to maintain, messy, and can be destructive.  You need plenty of space (large fenced enclosure) with a heated shed because they can't be kept in the house; they produce a lot of waste and need a particular diet that isn't cheap; they will destroy most or all of your yard; vet care is expensive and transporting them can be difficult.  Unless you're dedicated to tortoises, keeping a large species isn't something most people are willing or able to do.

That said, the largest species is the Galapagos tortoise.  They are available in the U.S., but require a permit and are very expensive.  Next biggest are the aldabra, which are less expensive but still out the range of the average keeper.  The third largest is the sulcata, which unfortunately are easy to buy, which is why rescues are becoming overrun with them.  But again, I caution you against getting *any* species of tortoise unless you know how to care for it properly and are willing to do what it takes.  Too many tortoises end up in rescue in terrible condition because their owners didn't take the time or trouble to find out how to care for them.

Here's a link that will give you some information about what it's like to keep a sulcata:  

And some information on caring for them--make sure you look at the pictures of the deformed tortoises that have come into the rescue, and then see the picture of what a healthy sulcata should look like: