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Turtle Egg

22 16:04:08

My 9 year old daughter and I just found a batch of buried turtle eggs today.  We took one, buried it in it's same sand and have it carefully placed in our home.  I did touch the egg gently-it was very soft and pliable.  What else do you recommend and will we most likely see it survive once the egg is hatched?

Hello Alot of the answers you seek will depend on  how you moved  the egg. If you rotated it at all then the egg will not be good at all. It will suffocate the fetus. That is if there is even a fertile egg.

You will have to provide heat for the egg, keep it oist and fresh. You can place some moss over the egg as well.

Please research the care of the egg and how to hatch. Watch for signs of mold as well.

Best to you