Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > where do turtles go in winter?

where do turtles go in winter?

22 16:47:06

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Most of the world's turtles don't do anything special in the winter= they either live in warm places or the oceans.

The turtles and tortoises that do live in places where it gets cold at night will hibernate over the winter.

Hibernation is a special process that is very different from sleeping. The body almost stops working- almost no breathing, almost no heartrate, the way chemicals in the body work changes and more.

Land turtles and tortoises will hibernate in deep burrows, while most water turtles will hibernate in mud or hiding places under water.

All turtles will find a place that does not freeze all winter (deep underwater or deep underground) that meets their needs for a little fresh air (water turtles will actually get the little air they need from the water in some unusual ways), protection, etc.

During hibernation, they are safe from most predators, hunger, etc. and will wait for the temps to warm up before they come out of hiding.