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red eared slider shell rot

22 16:14:57


turtle's leg
We have a red eared slider, about 3 years old. For the last 1.5 years she has been dealing with shell rot. She has been back and forth to the vet, who prescribed Betadine, and she is not allowed to remain in water except for 2hrs a day. I have recently bought a 75watt heat light and a uv light for tropical pets (we were originally told these were not necessary and have recently read otherwise) We've also added some Terrarium Soil, which she seems to enjoy. she seems more active since these have been set up. does what I am doing/ the vet instructions sound right to you and would you be able to offer any suggestions? I've also read that something called Nolvasan would be better for her, instead of the Betadine. Recently, she has seems to have little red spots on her upper frong leg joints, where her "knees" would be. I'm somewhat concerned about these, but I had thought that they might be from rubbing in the dry tank. One other thing: we also found

I'm afraid I'm pretty confused by all this. The more modern treatments for shell disorders generally let the turtle stay in the water most of the time to reduce stress, dehydration, etc.- but I am not qualified to second-guess a vet.

You might try posting the question on where many of the regulars are experts in this sort of thing.