Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > cannibal


22 16:14:29

I have 2 red ears in my aquarium at home that I caught in the wild and
decided to raise. The larger turtle (6") has recently started attacking the little
one (3") by biting it's back right foot. I know the reason for this is due to
overcrowding or territory disputes. My question is I have to get rid of the big
1 so where (in Missouri around St. Louis) can I take him?


If you release him now, he may starve because winter is coming.  If there are other turtles in the pond that you found him in right now (meaning, they have not gone into hibernation) AND you have fed him regularly and he is not too skinny, then and only then can you release him right now to the pond you found him in.

However, if all of these conditions are not met, you could get a separate tank and then release him in the spring when you see other turtles out and about.

You may want to release the little one too, in the spring.  I think you know he would be happiest back in the wild.
