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weird behavior or ill?

22 16:20:33

My Red ear slider has been leaning to the right side when he is in the water for about 2-3 weeks. Today he looks like he can not get his balance.  His diet is gold fish and aquatic plants.  I gave his tank a good cleaning and new filter 2 weeks ago after this behavior started.  I don't know what to do, and I'm not aware of any reptile vets in the area.
Thanks for your help.

Lopsided swimming is a key indication of pneumonia, a tough to treat illness in the best of times, and very difficult for the average keeper to fight without a vet's help.

You can try to find a local vet at State Resources section of where you can also find some ideas for pneumonia in the Medical Cares section.

You can try to fight it at home by boosting water temps to about 80-85F, offering good UVB lighting (not filtered through glass or plastic), using the fish medicine 'Stress Coat', and giving it good, solid cares and diet on top of that. Try or Austin's Page listed above for good care and diet articles.

Good luck!