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Slider Lost

22 16:05:32

I have 2, 2yr old sliders.   They are in a 70gallon plastic tube type thing.  2 days ago one of my dogs dropped a large rope toy type thing in the tank while I was at work and I belive one of my turtles used it to climb out.  I have looked for him everywhere and am so worried.  We have moved every appliance and piece of furniture and I even slept on the floor in the room last night hoping I would hear him.  I do believe it's possible the dogs might have killed him if he was running around on the floor but there is no evidence!  I cannot find any trace of him at all.  Any suggestions?!

Hey Emily,

Turtles can certainly be escape artists and they are determined little guys once they decide they want to go somewhere.

If you had searched the whole house, as it seems you already have...there is a possibility that one of the dogs may have gotten a hold of the turtle. I know my dogs are fascinated by mine and if one of them got out they would be fair game in the dogs mind. Dogs are very good at "cleaning up the crime scene" when it comes to other missing animals.

I would however still leave out bowls of water big enough that the turtle can wet himself in so stay hydrated. If he IS is your house somewhere he is still going to need to drink so by leaving bowls out, he will still be able to do that. You can use books or something of the like to make "steps" up into the tank or bowls of water. Often times you can wake up one morning to see your turtle swimming around the bowl going "hey! I remember this pond being bigger!"

I really hope you find your little guy. I've lost critters before and it sucks not knowing where they are or what happened to them. Good luck!
