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mating three toed box turtle with ornat box turtle

22 16:30:20

I need to know if I can mate my three toed box with an ornate box turtle? I've had a russian tortoise try to mate  with box turtle. The ornate box is 10 years old.

You'll never get the Russian to mate with the Box- they are far too different kinds of animals. While both members of the Order of turtles, they come from different Families in that Order- sort of like how people and spider monkeys are both members of the Order Primates, but different Families in the order- you just are not closely enough related to mate.

Now, the Three-toe MIGHT mate with the Ornate, they are more closely related- both are from the same Family and Genus (Terrepena), but are different species.

If they do mate, the offspring will probably be sterile.

Mating in all of these species usually requires that they be hibernated first. hibernating turtles is tricky- you will want to study up on it before you try it!