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Western Painted Turtle

22 16:13:16

My turtle's shell cracked off the back (side) about 2 weeks ago.  He is acting normal and eats great.  I feed them brine shrimp, tuna and reqular shrimp. They chew on cuttlebones and I am now adding powdered calcium to their food. He now has a light spot directly above his neck in the V where the shell starts.

Hi Joyce,

I do not know if this is normal or not as I am not a water turtle expert.  Here is a link from one of the best turtle sites out there:

Please compare this care information with what you are providing your turtle with and you will know if you need to make any corrections.  I do think turtles need more than shrimp and tuna.  I would feed tuna sparingly because of the high heavy-metal contaminations.  If that stuff stays in our system for a long time I can't imagine how long it stays in a turtle's system.

The light spot could be a sign of shell rot... only a vet can diagnose it.  Your turtle should definately see a vet.  I don't think it's life threatening but it needs attention if that is what it is.
