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shell normal

22 16:04:53

I have 3 desert turtles.One of the turtles' shell is rounded but the other two seem higher. I house them in a fish tank with sand and a heat lamp but now it seems too small for the three of them. Will they be alright if I make a space outside and chicken wire under the ground and around sides so they can't dig or escape? I've never kept them outside for more than an hour should I let them in sun longer? I've had them for over 4 years and feed them fruit and mix greens. Is that a good enough diet? I don't know if that has something to do with the shells. Thank you for your time. Ro

Hello. This is a great question.
Outside in your yard is the best place shy of their natural home.
So pick a area. ^
6 inches down dig and put wire
then secure the surrounding area with wire
give them the biggest section possible they will roam and roam,
next you can use little garbage cans,drill holes in it  depending on their size, we have to use dof igloos as ours are 70 plub lb sulcatas. But take a garbage can or what ever you decide to use and show them it is their home. place it on the side put a little substrate init and walaa sleeping quarters.
They will need places to hide. sxomewhere that will not collect water which is why I said to drill holes in the cans
they will need access to heat in winter

the outdoor enclosure doesnt have to be extreme, although as a rescue we love to see people give to  much vs the alternitive

place a feeding area, water area terricotta planter bottome work great so they can not drown,.

If they are provided with the natural sun their shells will remain nice unless there is an underlying medical issue such as MBD
But the sun is how they look so beautiful in the natural areas, the sun keep sthe shell healthy, keeps their systems happy. You can leave them out allllll day and noght. they will love it.
Make sure your area is secure and large enough that they can explore and graze and grow because once you have them out you are going to be shocked at the growth!

let me know if I can help more.