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I have a question

22 16:04:53

If u buy a baby turtle and it has long nails is it a male because it has long front nails?? And im buying a baby mississippi map from the are their turtles nice and healthy?

Hello Justin.

When you but a baby turtle youre getting just that. A baby, you will not be able to tell until it is older. You can have him probed or you can do the Hey its nails are long this is a boy. But as babies it doesnt work that way.
Also if youre looking to get a turtle please go to a rescue center they are all getting full and if you adopt one it makes room fo r 1 or maybe even 2 to have a rescue that htey have been waiting to get into.

Some rescues have a waiting list. so if you take one, maybe you adopt a semi big one and someone on a waiting list has 2 or 3 babies, the babies can come in the sopt of the bigger. It is all a matter of room.
Please adopt from a rescue If you need a name of one plese send your city and state Ill send you a name