Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > my turtle has a sowllen eyes :(

my turtle has a sowllen eyes :(

22 16:05:30

what can i do ??? it can't eat anything

Hi Ronnie,

I don't know what species you have, but most likely your turtle has an eye infection and needs to see a vet for antibiotic treatment.  You should also check to make sure you are keeping your turtle properly.  It needs a roomy tank with good filtration and clean water; water at about 75-78 degrees; a basking area with a temperature of about 90 degrees with a good source of UVB; and a varied diet that probably includes both plant and animal matter.  Put a cuttlebone in the water so your turtle can get additional calcium if it wants it.  If you can give me the species I can give you more information on correct diet.

If you aren't doing all of the above, making corrections to your turtle's habitat *may* clear up a minor infection.  Water quality is very important.  Good luck with your turtle!