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injured tortoise

22 16:03:17

Hi, my friends dog got hold of there young tortoise and he did a job on the under shell just under the head and front legs, it is bleeding I have cleaned it with water and used antibiotic ointment on it.
This happened this morning it is still bleeding, where we live there is no vet, we live on a small island in the caribbean.
Any suggestions on what i can do. The head and legs are o,k, the top and bottom of the shell is o.k. I am not sure what to do.
I can try to take a picture but will wait to see if I get a rsponse back from this email.
thanks for all of your help

Hi Evette,

If possible, the wounds should be flushed daily with something like nolvasan or betadine (diluted to the color of weak tea)--if these are not available, flush with a sterile saline solution.  Do NOT use peroxide.  The tortoise should be kept very clean, on something like newspapers, paper towels, or clean cloth towels.  Don't put antibiotic ointment on the wounds or cover them up; the greatest danger is that bacteria will be trapped in the wounds and cause a massive infection.  Unfortunately, puncture wounds from dogs often do become infected, and if that happens you'll just have to hope for the best if you can't obtain vet care.  If the wounds haven't penetrated through the shell, the chance for recovery is pretty good.

As your friend now knows, it's important to keep dogs away from tortoises, since they can cause serious injuries just in play.  Good luck; I hope the tortoise recovers fully.