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turles pregnancy...

22 16:02:24

i have bought a red eared slider turtle (female). her name is gangster.
i have heard that they lay eggs without matting, is that true??
how do i come to know that she is pregnant? will her belly swell or get rounded? and i have fitted a normal yellow colored bulb,is that ok?

Hi Shivani,

Your turtle is far too small to lay eggs.  In fact, it's too small to tell if it's male or female--you can't determine sex until a turtle is mature, and for a RES that would be at about 5" long.  You also can't tell if a turtle is gravid (carrying eggs) by any external signs.  The only way to know for sure is by x-ray or if she lays, although most females will become very restless and lose their appetite before they lay.

A normal bulb for the tank is not enough.  They require UVB lighting in addition to basking heat, and this is especially important for a juvenile.  Otherwise, your turtle won't grow properly.  I'll link some care information for you below, and you should read it all over carefully to make sure you have everything set up well.  Basically, a RES will need:

A large tank with excellent filtration.  A mature RES needs a tank between 75 gallons (male) and 125 gallons (female) with an external canister filter rated for higher than the tank.  If the water quality isn't good, the turtle will not be healthy.

A basking area with temperature of around 85-90 degrees (water temperature should be about 75-78 degrees) with good UVB lighting.

A good varied diet that includes animal protein, greens, and pellets.  Variety is very important.

Don't try to cut corners on any of this, especially tank size.  It's much harder to maintain a small tank, and it's also much harder to keep a turtle healthy if it's not in an adequately sized tank.

Here's some information for you: