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Red-Eared Slider is sick

22 16:04:29

We have a RES who recently seems sick.  My wife and I noticed that she was basking all day. (She typically swims most of the day) and when we got her to go into the water, she floated awkwardly and began expelling gas bubbles from her anus.  Since then, she just sits on her dock and sporadically we can see very small amounts of foam near the corners of her mouth.  I have a friend that told me she may need some over the counter antibiotics, but i don't want to get them if the are either unnecessary or will not help.

Hello please calla  vet imeadiatly. This could be severe and require medical assistance. No over the counter medications should be given without direct advise of a vet.
If it is really bad, there are rescue centers that will assist you.

I would never recommend that someone give medications  without a vet advising or it could kill or worsten the situation.

please let me know how else I can help and advise me of how he is.