Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > i need help identifying my tortoise

i need help identifying my tortoise

22 16:02:23

Hello !

I gat this tortoise in China and i'm having trouble identifying the specie... can you please help me ?

Pictures :

Thank you !


Hi Nathanial,

Sorry, I have family from out of town this week, so I haven't been online.  I'm not positive about the species of your tortoise.  It's not one I've seen here in the U.S., so not a Russian (Horsfield), Hermann's, or Greek; not one of the larger common species, either, so not sulcata, leopard, redfoot, yellowfoot, etc.  Since you're in China, the most likely is that it's an Asian species, but not one I'm more familiar with.  So I'm doing some checking.  

It may be an elongated tortoise ([Indotestudo elongata), so I'd start looking at that first.  The other possibility is a Forsten's tortoise (Indotestudo forstenii).  As soon as my relatives leave (tomorrow), I'll check over your pictures more closely and see if I can determine the exact species for you.  Thank you for the pictures--they're very good!

Hi Nathanial,

I still think your tortoise is an Indotestudo species, but I'm not sure exactly what.  It lacks a nuchal scute, which means it's most likely a Forsten's, but the plastron scutes aren't right.  I'm going to send the pictures to someone to see if they can help, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.