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Mississippi map and red eared slider

22 16:07:02


Map turtle spots on hi
I bought a baby Red eared slider and a baby Mississippi map turtle about 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately yesterday when I got home the slider was dead. When I bought them they both were very active lately they barely move off the basking spot. They weren't really eating the pellets so I got hatchling pellets which the slider ate very well so I was surprised when it died. They also barely open their eyes. Could there be something wrong with their eyes? I take them both (well I did anyway) out of the tank to feed them because it seemed too hard for them to get the food in the tank with the filter. Any idea what could of happened? I am really upset about the slider and DO NOT want the map to die!!Oh also the map has 2 little spots on his neck that kind of look like sores. I thought maybe the slider had scratched or possibly bitten it. I'm thinking maybe it got too cold or something. Any thoughts??? Please help

Hi Kari,

Sorry to hear about the slider. It sounds to me like worms. They inherit the worms from the parents, especially if the slider was eating aggressively. The sores on the back of the neck sound like a nematode. It would be good if you got a sulfa block and also an antibiotic treatment for the water. Make sure the dry spot is easily accessible for the map. As long as the map turtle continues to eat and you do the treatments he should be ok. Let me know if you have any more questions.
