Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > My turtle cant get on his basker alone anymore

My turtle cant get on his basker alone anymore

22 16:07:02


Turtle in new tank
I have a five inch long turtle. I used to have a 10 gallon tank and a small basker (he stayed on it a lot). About two weeks ago I got a 20 gallon tank and a larger basker and he can't get on the basker by himself anymore, I have to place him on it when I see him trying and falling back off :( What do I need to do or buy?

"But our God demonstrated his love for us in this, while we were still sinners Christ died for us!"

Hi Tanner,

Try reducing the water volume by about half and see if that works.  Then you can gradually make the water deeper.  If he still can't climb up, you can build a sloped basking area using stones, cork bark, etc.  If you google "homemade basking area for turtle tanks" you'll find some good ideas and pictures to help you.  At some point you might also want to move your turtle into a bigger tank so he has more swimming room--with a bigger tank, you could also use plexiglas to divide the tank into a land/water area and build a basking platform that way.  Good luck!