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Russian Tortoise not eating?

22 16:47:36

I recently purchased a Russian Tortoise from a local pet shop. He seemed extremely active and healthy at the pet store. Pacing back and forth in their 90 gallon aquarium. However, since I brought him home he hasn't touched his food for two days. They told me he eats kale and romaine and I bought both and carrots also. He's housed in a 50 gallon rubbermaid tote with aspen as substrate and a hide box. Also i have a basking light on one side and i've been monitoring the temp. It's 90F in the basking side and 78F in the hide box side. I'm worried can you help.  

Russians are troubling.

My first thought is simple maladaptation stress- the shock of changed conditions.

The other two things are humidity- yours might be low with the wood substrate.

The biggie is the food. The Russian tends to prefer flowers, yard plants, hays, etc. The site listed below has a great diet article with it.

Try for more ideas.