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Passing out white droppings

22 16:47:13

I have been having a little tortoise for bout 2 weeks and his droppings look normal all the while until lately he's been passing white droppings. I am not sure what is the problem. He  seems to be behaving quite normally as usual and no other abnormal symptoms. Please help me. I am worry bout him. Thanks.

Tortoises normally do pass white substance and these are urates. This is simply another waste product, but an important one to determine hydration. Tortoises eliminate uric acid, rather than urea as mammals do.  This system of uric acid elimination is effective as it wastes less water and thus aids in hydration when water isn't readily available.  Once a tortoise has water, is able to drink, the waste product urates (the white stuff) is eliminated. As mentioned, one can determine if a tortoise is dehydrated by the appearance of the white stuff.  If its thick like toothpaste, the tortoise is dehydrated and needs to have more water. If the substance is watery and thin, usually this means the tortoise is well hydrated.

Other factors may affect the color of urates as well, such as certain foods.  Dandelion greens for example, often will cause a pink color to the urates, but this is not abnormal, nor anything to worry about.    

My thought would be to look at the substance and if its really think, than I would recommend more water time for the tortoise and also look at habitat to ensure its not dry.  If you could, please let me know what kind of tortoise you have and how you are keeping it.