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mixing turtles

22 16:01:17

Can missippi map turtle mix with yellow belly turtles

Hi Cody,

Yes, you can house maps and yellow-bellies together; however, keep in mind that turtles require a great deal of space, and a community tank for just two turtles will need to be very large (at least 150 gallons).  If you can't provide that kind of room (with corresponding filtration level), don't add more turtles.  Poor water quality is likely to lead to health problems and will cause more work for you.  To calculate how large a tank you need, add together the adult lengths of the turtles (keep in mind females are much larger than males, so if your turtles aren't mature yet assume they're female) and multiply by 10.  So for example, an adult size of 10" would require a 100 gallon tank, etc.

For more information on housing, care, and water quality, see: