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red foot turtle ?

22 16:17:05

Hello. My red foot turtle has been walking with its eyes shut, or half way open for the past few days. Do you know anything about this? Thanks..

Hello Kelli,

Eye problems is a problem that can have a several causes, for example:

- Lack of vitamin A
- Dehydration
- Dirty substrates in the eyes
- Scratches (From another turtle)
- RI (Respiratory infection)

The RI disease is the most common reason for eye problems among turtles/tortoises, but as long as your turtle eats properly and not shows any of the other RI symptoms (Sneezing, bubbly nose and problemed breathing)- you should only treat the eyes.

To treat the eyes, you'll need Gentocin drops (from your veterinarian). Soak the turtle's eyes 2-3 times/day.
Except the treatment, you should also check so that the water in the tank is clean and with the right temperature.

However, if you won't see any improvements within a week or so, you should probably contact a vet for further help.

Best wishes