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missisippi map turtles

22 16:16:09

hi how do i sex my turtles ? i have 2 14 month old turtles who are growin thick and fast. they are showin signs of sexual maturity but im unsure of the differnce between male and i likely to find eggs any day soon? how easy is breedin of these specimens ????


Male turtles will have longer front claws then the female and their cloaca (anal opening) will be located further down the tail near the tip. While female's cloaca is located closer up to the base of the tail near the shell.

If you don't have a male then the females will still lay eggs and you need a proper lay area so they don't hold in the eggs and cause fatal damage to the turtle. How large are your turtles?

Breeding can be difficult and nobody suggests breeding these turtles as there are many breeders and inexperienced people doing so. It is causing an over population of turtles in the pet trade leading to more and more turtles being mistreated.

Let me know if you want more information on breeding, or egg laying.

Good luck