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Good first turtle

22 16:14:44

I was wondering if you could recommend a species for a first turtle?  

This would be an "office" turtle, in that the turtle would be housed at work.  We are at the office from 7:00 to about 6:00.  We are, of course, gone on weekends and holidays.

Is there a turtle which would work in such a way?  If so, which species?  If not, what would need to change in order to care for it.

My biggest concerns are the need for food over the weekends/holidays, and poop management.

Being an office turtle is not a problem- as long as you are willing to put some money into the issue. The things that cost the most are a big tank and a good powerful filter.

My favorite beginner turtle is the Painted Turtle for most people, and the Spotted Turtle if money is not a big issue. These are smallish, hardy, and attractive species that should make a nice impression.

You can learn more about these and their cares at

Http:// is also a good related site for turtle questions.

Good luck!