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Box turtle minus the tail

22 16:06:04

Hi Jamie!
A couple of weeks ago I "rescued" a box turtle from a local pet store.  The woman who'd been caring for her said that she came in with a group of about 33 wild caught box turtles and that she was "unadoptable" because her tail had been bitten off!
The wound site looks pink and healed over with very minimal discharge now-- I'm giving her a bath twice a week to try and keep everything clean--but this turtle had been in an aquarium with two other box turtles that had been hibernating and I'm having a hard time getting her to eat.  I have tried meal worms, grubs, caterpillars, lettuce, diced fruit and even some wet cat food.  Could she just be eating a little bit at night?
Oh yeah, she was vet checked after the tail incident and didn't have any problems then.  The lady at the pet store said that none of the turtles was eating a lot yet because it is cold where we are (Washington state). She is under a heat lamp and in my living room.
Any suggestions would really be appreciated.  Thank you!

First thank you for rescueing this boxie- yes it is a rescue.

Pet stores are a sore subject for me there is only 1 in florida i will deal with,So to start-

Make sure he is  not dragging the tail end through any poo when he does come to completely.

It is hard to bring a tort out of hibernation. This must be done slowly IF you are deciding to take him out of hibernation.
Slowly increase heat, light, every day offer fresh foods but do not offer a lot nor force it.

You can provide heat from under as well this will assist in heating however, why not let him hibermate and complete the healing process without pain.  If I had done the rescue Id allow him to hibernate then bring him out the correct way.
They will come out when their system tells them too. I think Id see if he wants to hibernate still and allow him to do so then he can heal naturally and will be happy.

As far as night feeding it is always possible however if this is a wild caught then he just may be completely depresed and failing to adjust to the situation.

I think Id report the pet store for selling a hibernating tortoise that was injured, failure to provide medical treatment for injured wildlife, non permitted to attain wildlife for sales.
Then Id have them held responsible for the bills.
Also, ID try to locate where they were caught and report that too as it may be protected property. The whole idea is to get the people out of business who are doing this who are removing the wildlife from nature and taking away from out systems that need them.

All to often we hear about the disappearing of a species and this is contributing to the issue.
If you would like ypou can e mail me directly and Ill assit you in all you need to do.  What did the vet say?
