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mississippi mapturtle

22 16:00:32

i im getting a mississippi map turtle and i was wondering what to feed it and how big of a tank they need???

Hi Bryanna,

I'll link complete information below on care, housing, filtration, etc.  The size of the tank you need now depends on the current size of the turtle--that is, if you're getting a hatchling, you will need a smaller tank (20-30 gallons) now BUT you will need a much larger tank in the future.  An adult map turtle will need a tank that's 75-100+ gallons in size, depending on the adult size of the turtle.  They will also require a filter that can handle 2-3 times the tank's capacity.  Room and water quality is extremely important to keeping a turtle healthy.

Map turtles should be fed a variety of foods, including pellets, animal protein (preferably live), and greens/veggies.  The links below will give you complete information on diet.