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red foot tortoise ...not walking

22 16:04:48

Hi... I hope you can help us.  My red foot Tutu has slowly over the last six months been going down hill. She is about 6 years old and has always had a great appetite and been very active. We have taken her to the vet for full body x rays and everything is normal. The vet compliments us on how beautiful and healthy our tortoise is... sadly we feel just the opposite.  Tutu started not eating,then moved less and less.  As of yesterday she can't seem to walk.  We live in NYC and we think she has to be moved to somewhere where she can be outside.  We have a humidifier, light etc and she used to walk around out apartment. Now she is lifeless and sad. I hope you can help us as we really love her. thanks, Molly

I would need to know more about the diet and cares- habitat size and set-up (cage type, size, substrate), temp, lighting (type, day cycle, intensity), humidity (actual humidity levels in the habitat if possible), temps in the habitat (how provided, day and night peaks and lows.)

Then the diet- how much of what served when?

Just for general background information, we usually find that tortoises can tolerate stressful conditions for about 5 years before they really start to show signs of that stress. The stress can be from an inadequate environment or diet, improper cares, etc. The thing that struck me in your note is that she apparently walks around your apartment.

We often find that this is not as good of an option as it may seem. Living space floors are generally a lot cooler than we think- after all, the heat and humidity rise in the rooms. They are subject to dust, drafts, things they may bite on that are not good for them, the stress of giant things walking near them, etc. Even when tortoises are just let out 'for exercise' there can be stress involved. (Handling the tortoise to move them around for exercise is a bit stressful as well.)

You can respond back and I will try to help more, or you can post over at where I and several other keepers hang out and you won't have to deal with the advertising here.