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Is my Turtle has eye infection?

22 16:47:29

Hi Mark

I have a Brazilian Turtle and he has this white soft Tissue/white membrane in its eyes ( i dont really know what its called )this never happened before and i'm very worried for not knowing what to do?my local
Pet store told me that he need more Sun bathe.
what should i do and is it dangerous?

Thanks mark

Although there are many turles from Brazil, none is actually called the 'Brazilian turtle', so I don't really know what species this could be. That limits my ability to help.

The Red-foot tortoise is called 'the Brazilian turtle' on one website- but not many people would call a tortoise a turtle like that.

Eye problems in turtles is a sign of general husbandry concerns, such as:
- tank cleanliness- dirty water, excess chlorine or ammonia, etc.
- general stress from a small or cold tank
- dietary issues- calcium, vitamin A, vitamin D
- lighting- not enough or too much ultraviolet
- humidity issues in box turtles and tortoises
- injury to the eye is always a possibility.  

What I would do:

1.) Get a rock-solid positive ID on the turtle species and research that species needs.
2. Establish a hospital tank protocol for a month and see if it helps. Hospital tank protocol means:
 - getting the basic care and tank down absolutely right
 - special attention to cleanliness
 - slightly warmer temps
 - minimal stress
 - top-notch diet- the absolute best you can do... which means you gotta ID the species!

Here is a good eye care link:

You can try to ID it at the gallery at this site: