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red slider

22 16:20:18

my turtle shell is kind of soft and the other one is also kind of soft what should i do please?

Hello Chris,

I don't know the age of your turtles, but it's very common that young turtles have a fairly soft shell before they reach an age of 3.
Unfortunately, soft shell can be a sign of a wrong diet, lack of UV-light from their lamp, or because they need more calcium in their diet.
I would recommend you to first of all, make sure that their tank is clean and that you give them the right food (That's always the basic NO 1 thing to do) and then you might do some changes in their diet and add some calcium increment.
Making the shell strong again, may take some time, but if the health of your turtles doesn't change for the better - I highly recommend you to contact a vet.

Good luck with your turtles!
