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my red-eared slider is sick

22 16:29:56

i have to R.E.S. and only one of them is sick. They are about 6-9 months old...only about the size of a half dollar. we keep the temp. warm with a heat lamp, filter, and bubbles b/c the love to sit on it!! I just noticed tonight that the bigger of the two(Gladiator) was sneezing...about oncer every 10 sec. for about a minute and I started to worry!! but the smaller one(Duke)has no symptoms! My turtles are like my children and i don't know what to do! a friend told me that they are too small to be given shots or take medication! Can you help me PLEASE!!!!!

Gladiator has a Respiratory Infection (RI)- the turtle version of a cold. These can be fairly minor or very dangerous.

You do not describe the habitat or temps, but turtles want three basics;

1. Good water. A BIG tank (10 gallons of water per inch of shell length), warmed to about 75-80F (with a heater), and kept very clean with a big filter.

2. Good sun. Light the tank well, but still provide shade in the water. Provide good basking sites that are safe and easy to climb, and heated to about 90F. Offering UVB light is also very helpful.

3. Good food. A mix of about 1/2 good pellets and 1/2 live or frozen 'fish food' like small fish, worms, insects, krill, etc.

If you follow the basic cares, and heat the tank up about 5 more degrees, there is a chance you can get ahead of the RI before it becomes dangerous. It would be a good idea to separate the turtles as well since it is infectious.

Try for other ideas.