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Hatched Eggs!!!

22 16:02:55

Hello Jamie. It's Justin. I was the one who asked about the eggs. I meant to stay in touch with you about them but I got distracted. I just wanted to let you know that the snapping turtle laid her egss, (30 of them!) 18 hatched into beautiful babies. I wanted to take pictures but while doing that I dropped my camera into the water I had put them in. But they were fine. I kept them until they lost their yolk sacs and released them in a lake not far from where I live. Sadly though, she was bound and I failed to note that she might have and she died from the infection. I just thought she laid them all. It didn't cross my mind to take her to the vet and check. Next time I will though.

Hi Justin.  Im sorry you lost your girl. When they become egg bound, some eggs can rupture causing toxicity.  It is important to get them checked after any and all clutches. But you my friend have come a long way and I am very glad to have had the experiences with you. Keep growing and let me know if I can help