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I rescued a turtle...couple questions

22 16:47:58

I rescued a turtle the other day and would like to know what kind of turtle it is? What I should I feed it? What is the ideal living conditions for it? The turtle is less then 2 inches long (head to tail) and 1 1/4 inches wide. He looks kind of bland all brown...if you get real close you can see light orange coming in on his shell and head. his eyes are black and under shell is brown with whitish  like wearing around the outside edge. Does not look to have webbing around his toes or toe nails back or front. His tail is long ( 1/2 inch long) and kind of thin and pointed looking. Can you help me answer those questions with the description I just gave you? Thanks!

I am not sure from your description. It sounds like a mud or musk turtle.

I would suggest that if you are unsure if you want a turtle pet that you release it back near where you found it. Young turtles are actually difficult to rasie well, and wild-caught turtles often do not thrive in ncaptivity.

If you decide to keep it, try to see if they can help with any of their articles.