Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > My african Spurred Tortoise eyes bubbled up pink & bulged out!!!!

My african Spurred Tortoise eyes bubbled up pink & bulged out!!!!

22 16:13:43

Hi! i have 3 African spurred tortoise. I put them all out in the sun to bathe. Keep in mine it's only 80 degrees. I go to check on them and one of the tortoise eyes were both pink & bulged out! He couldn't see because he was running into things and he was trying to pock at his eyes. I dumped water on him and now it cleared up. His eyes are back to normal and he is eating. What do i do? What was the cause of it? I'm scared he might die! I need help please!!!!

I am not a vet, but eye problems are usually pretty serious. It may have been something as simple as something in the eye, but it may be a sign of several rather nasty infections.

I don't recommend vets for every little thing, but I would have it checked.