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Turtle racing

22 16:16:56

I found a turtle in my woods. It looked like something tried to eat it. so picked it up and took it to my home. It healed in a couple of weeks and now trusts me that I won't hurt him/her. Everyone is saying to try to train it to turtle race. I told them that I didn't know if that was a good idea or not because I just now got it to trust me. They said it was a pretty good idea to do it because you could be famous city-wise. What do you think?


Poor turtle.  I'd release him ASAP.  

Who cares if he becomes famous?  Turtles don't like to "race".  They are plopped down with other turtles, and start "running" because of all of the yelling and screaming (they feel vibrations).  How stressful!  Not to mention being transported to and from the "races".

Turtles are not easy pets.  I'd read some of the stuff posted on this forum... plus I'm 100% sure that he'd rather be free in the wild, even if he likes you and trusts you.
