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Found a Turtle

22 16:12:58

We found a small turtle in our back yard and want to find out if it is easy to keep it as pet and take care of it.  Currently we put it in a big plastic storage box and put some water in the box and fed it some lettuce and bread.  How can we find out what type of turtle it is.  We are in Dallas TX and there is a lake 2 miles from our home.  It is dark brown/grey in color.  THanks a lot!

Contact the Dallas-Fort Worth Herp Society at and see if they can ID it for you.  If it is a native turtle, it should be released per the instructions given to you by the herp society.  Please don't keep a wild turtle as a pet--every turtle removed from the native population diminishes the gene pool and reduces the survivability of the species.  If it is a non-native species, you can either consider keeping it or asking the herp society to find a suitable home.  If you do keep it, please be aware that turtles have specific needs and are not a cheap or easy pet although they can be very rewarding to keep.  They need large accomodations, special lighting (or an outdoor pond), and a varied diet.