Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Cherryhead Redfoot Tortoise

Cherryhead Redfoot Tortoise

22 16:14:59

The baby Cherryhead that I asked you about before is doing fine. We saw a vet and have been treating him for a respiratory infection. 2 new questions: Is red cabbage o.k. in small amounts? In trying to get him to eat more, I've been trying other greens&fruits. There was a little red cabbage in a salad mix we had that he went for immediately and seems to like. Also likes strawberries & mangoes. 2nd question: Are there any plants that you would recommend growing in an indoor tortoise enclosure (we live in Wisconsin and have several baby redfoots) that they might enjoy munching to suppliment their diet?

Any greens are OK in small amounts.

Indoors, try...
- Hibiscus- an all-time favorite- leaves, flowers, and 'calyxes'- the nub under the flower, like a rose hip.
- Ferns
- Opuntia cacti- the 'prickly pear- pads (singe the spines off if it is not spineless), flowers, and fruit
- Split-leaf Philodendron, especially the fruits- BUT NOT other philodendrons (Real philodendrons are toxic, Split-leaf is not a real philodendron, it is genus called 'Monstera' or something like that.
- Most herbs and greens
- Other things from this list:

Good luck!