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Box Turtle Substrate

22 16:46:50

I have had my Eastern Box Turtle for about 6 years.  For the first 6 months she was on sand ( I have since found out that is not a good thing) For the last 5 years she has been on commercial grade rabbit feed.  I am thinking that this may not be a good thing because it seems to suck all the moisture out of everything.  She is an indoor turtle, so substrate needs to be fairly inexpensive. Her home made house is 3' x 6'

Thank you for the suggestions.

Rabbit food was popular but not a great idea. For an Eastern, which loves humidity, try long strand Sphagnum moss (Lowes carrys a good one in the Mosser Lee brand. Fluff it out and soak it well, then line it about 3" deep.

If you prefer another substrate, try a mix of sand, loam/leaf mulch, and shredded barks (coconut or cyprus). Soak the bark well and sprinkle the final mix. If you use this mix, toss it when it 'sours'.

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